Enhancing STEM innovation in Schools

We offer play-based, stress-free, failure-free activities to encourage creativity, imagination and exploration around the STEM subjects.

STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths

STEM Curiosity brings Sensory Science and Loose-Parts Engineering activities into schools.  We have lots of ideas for other STEM activities – contact us to get involved!

Let's Play.

Play offers an opportunity to explore our world in our own time and space. Play brings joy and wonder,  curiosity and exploration, imagination and creativity.


Tamariki will develop their thinking by using creative, explorative and curious processes to make  sense of their experiences, thoughts and ideas.

Managing Self

STEM-play requires tamariki to be self-motivated, and provides opportunities for tamariki to develop  a “can-do” attitude.

Relating to Others

Some STEM-play activities will be individual, but tamariki may also choose to work together on  projects or creations.

Our Why

Our purpose is to advance education in the value of STEM-oriented open-ended play, by providing hands-on activities that offer opportunities for tamariki and adults to engage in and become curious about Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

STEM Curiosity’ Mission is to provide explorative, curiosity and adventurous play opportunities for tamariki and adults.
Our Vision is to develop a more STEM-play-conscious society in Aotearoa New Zealand.

About the Founders.

Tara and Naomi are sisters, who grew up on a Waikato dairy farm and appreciate their outdoor, nature-based upbringing.  Playcentre taught them the value of unstructured, open-ended play for children of all ages. Tara has 17 years experience as a teacher across all age groups in urban and rural settings.  She is concerned at the reduction of free, self-directed play time for children as schooling and extra-curricular activities become increasingly more adult-directed.  Naomi has a PhD in concepts of ‘home’, and understands the mental, physical and social benefits of freedom to play.  Both founders are passionate about bringing nature-play philosophies to all children.  Therefore, most STEM Curiosity activities take place outdoors.